Kathryn’s Mercy Home


The Kathryn’s Mercy Home Trust (UK), is the British charity that supports the work of Rev J. Jeyapaul with Dalit children and families in Devakottai, Tamil Nadu South India.

Devakottai is situated east of Madurai, in the state of Tamil Nadu, South India. Tamil Nadu is hot, dry, flat and barren, with only one monsoon each year. The majority of the population, from the untouchable Dalit caste, work the land, living in extreme poverty in remote rural villages. Landowners view their labourers as property. Housing for many is basic, without electricity, running water, or sewerage. Without education, children can only follow their parents’ footsteps, leaving school at the age of 9 to work in the fields

Amidst this deprivation, the Kathryn’s Mercy Home stands as a beacon of hope. It provides board, lodging and an education for Dalit children until they are 16 or 17. It gives them the opportunity to study for a profession or go on to college or university and so the chance for them, and their families, to escape grinding poverty.

There are currently five related projects in Devakottai:

    the Girls’ Hostel,

   the home for elderly ladies,

    the Rural Child Development Centres

    Kathryn’s Nursery and Primary School

    Vocational Training and Medical Programmes

On this site you will also find information about current developments at Devakottai, and under ‘Current Information’ there are details about how to support Jeyapaul’s work.


Kathryn’s Mercy Home Trust

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